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Introducing Elements: A One-Stop Solution for Interactive Entertainment Cloud Development

Updated: Jan 4, 2023

Over the past three decades, the evolution of the web can be perceived to have grown from static images and text to seamless, high-speed streaming including high-definition videos and games. What started as an open source information sharing platform has evidently become billions of dollars worth of corporate institutions that are seemingly invading users' privacy to collect their data and use it to their advantage. Web 2.0 platforms - like Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok - have a high influence rate over the socio-economic aspects in this contemporary world. For instance, the majority of the financial transactions in this world are processed through third-party, centralized organizations that operate their own servers storing and processing those transactions, giving them complete control, and the actual data producers have a severe lack of ownership over the entities.

Envisioning greater security, decentralization, and self-ownership, Web3 is beginning to emerge through the power of blockchain technologies. Web3 promises true ownership and identity of digital assets and secures financial transactions without any intermediaries involved. Web3 has created a marketplace for a seemingly endless number of applications. Moreover, it became a house for new financial concepts such as Automated Money Makers (AMM), decentralized exchanges (DEX), liquidity pools (LP), and self-custodial wallets, among others. The application list only keeps growing as we widen the array of areas such as metaverse, NFTs, gaming, social media, oracles, and marketplaces that blockchain technology can enhance.

Migration to Web3

There are more than 2700 decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum blockchain and over 1000 projects on Cardano, with the number of active developers only growing consistently on the top 5 most used blockchains. This indicates a lot of migration is happening from Web 2.0 to Web3, with top engineers at Facebook and Google abandoning their posts in favor of working on decentralized technology.

After Facebook and Microsoft launched their metaverse development kits and cloud platforms, thousands of developers followed the pursuit of launching their projects. However, these platforms being highly centralized defies the whole purpose of Web3 and cannot scale beyond the limits of the platform. Additionally, data immutability (data that be verified and not modified), ownership and identity have been everlasting challenges within these platforms. Therefore many interactive entertainment projects like gaming, AR/VR, conferencing, and even marketing-focused solutions are expanding to Web3 where they can scale up, diversify, and most importantly for data immutability.

Introducing Elements

Interacting with blockchain frameworks can be a time consuming and daunting process for those who haven’t already taken the time to become familiar with this new technology stack. This becomes all the clearer if they want to deploy a smart contract on multiple blockchains, having to make modifications to the front-end code in order to comply with varying capabilities supported, and adjustments needed to compensate for small differences between each.

We would like you to introduce Elements, an all-in-one server engine that serves as a one-stop solution especially for the developers of Interactive Entertainment projects to develop Web3 infrastructure. Let your project look like it’s been developed by a massive company whether you need to streamline multiple data points flowing in real-time, or you are an indie game developer showing off their work on a blockchain for the first time. With Elements, you can build your project in half the time and effort, and save tens of thousands of dollars in the process.

About Us

Elements is an innovative platform developed by Elemental Computing, Inc. (ECI), led by industry professionals who have decades of experience in programming, game development and business development fields.

After spending years working with clients to develop similar tools and features over and over again, ECI has developed Elements as a specialized platform for anyone building interactive entertainment projects, and especially for game developers to implement blockchain elements such as in-game economies, upgrades, leaderboards, NFTs, validator node hosting and other features. Above that, Elements also support familiar Web 2.0 features such as digital inventory, traditional fiat in-app purchase, leaderboards, achievements, and server-side scripting. Elements is bridging Web 2 with Web 3 elements to allow our customers to be part of the new era of internet.

Elements Infrastructure

Elements, as a SaaS solution, features many tools. Some of the most important are:

Generative Minting Tools

Elements customers can access ready-made tools to generate new tokens, and NFTs with a matter of few clicks. You can think of it as Lego bricks that are put together to form a structure, where Elements provides the instructions and template for assembling your Lego bricks in the form of tools, and you can choose which ones to use. Elements provide tools that remove the need to write smart contracts and scripts for basic minting and interaction needs.

Distributed Databases

Blockchains store transactional information in distributed ledgers that are saved and synced with hundreds or thousands of nodes instantly. Storing large data like photos and videos is incredibly expensive, though, so dedicated storage protocols like the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) was created to solve this while maintaining core decentralization goals. Elements support storing data in IPFS, where you also store NFT metadata including attributes like rarity, type, and more. Elements also extends support to storage protocols and methods such as Storj, NFT storage, and more traditional cloud storage from Google, Amazon, and Microsoft.

Smart Contracts

Elements makes deploying your first smart contract easy, providing built-in contracts out of the box that cover the most common needs. Complete API solutions are provided to allow deploying on multiple chains and marketplaces without requiring major changes to your code.

Custodial Wallets

Elements provide all supporting tools needed to allow users to use existing, self-custodial wallets with dApps, or create new custodial wallets with the ability to read, store tokens, and sign & approve the transactions. The ability to create custodial wallets for your users through Elements’ platform will reduce the time needed to onboard them dramatically, especially if they are new to the Web3 user experience.

And that’s not even half the features Elements offers!

Not Limited to Web3

Most competing solutions provide features that only support either Web3 or Web 2.0. However, Elements provides extensive infrastructure support suitable for your project and makes it possible for you to launch on either traditional or Web3 platforms. As an example, for a recent gaming project, Elements provided interactive entertainment developers, not just blockchain-related features, but also account management, digital inventory, server-side scripting, leaderboards, achievements, and more - features that any game developer needs.

Engage with Us

We are building Elements to become the leading platform where sophistication meets simplicity. We strive to make Elements an integrated platform for all sorts of developers, to make it the best choice for any cloud connected project. We are always looking out for business opportunities and talented people.

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